Portes ouvertes
Voici les dates des prochaines Portes Ouvertes
Sur rendez-vous au 0296501120

21/03/25 : 17h00-20h00
22/03/25 : 9h00-13h30
23/05/25 : 17h00-20h00

Des lycéens en échange Erasmus à León en Espagne

Lundi 7 février :

Hoy hemos visitado el instituto con 3 alumnas. Despues hemos desayunado en la cafeteria con tortilla de patatas y croissants. Hemos participado a una clase de frances jugando al Scrabble en frances, espanol y ingles.  Y a una clase de informatica en ingles o de musica. Por fin hemos empezado a trabajar al proyecto de desarollo durable.

Mardi 8 février :

Today we went to a biology and then to a chemestry class that was very interesting because we used microscopes and we visited San Andrez highschool. In the afternoon we went to a mall while our correspondents attended a private English lesson . Finally we hanged out with our penfriends and their families . We also visited Leon and it’s a beautiful city!

Mercredi 8 février :

Hoy hemos tenido la oportunidad de descubrir la fauna y flora españolas durante una corta caminata por la nieve a través de las montañas. Estuvimos en una explotación minera donde pudimos ver las entradas de la mina y el antiguo poblado de mineros. Después fuimos a un museo sobre el cambio climático, vimos un cortometraje para concienciar sobre el cambio climático. 

Jeudi 9 février :

On Thursday we worked at school and around 11h30 am we went to León and we visited the cathedral with a guide. Next she presented us st Isidoro church and la Casa de Bottines (Gaudi), it was very interesting to discover the city of León and its history! After that we ate in a restaurant together, then we stayed in León and the teachers went back to their place. We talked and walked a lot with our correspondents , we were had a lot of fun !

Vendredi 10 février : 

Today we have finished the project and presented il to a class of spanish student . After , we did a vegetable garden and planted pepper seeds . In the afternoon, we went to León center, where we walked and bought some clothes. Then we had a drink and after we took the bus to go to the shopping center. There we ate together for the last time .

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